
Nairobi city tour: 1-day safari adventure, right from the heart of Nairobi CBD, to the enchanting Nairobi National Park. Experience the unique opportunity of encountering Kenya’s diverse wildlife against the backdrop of the city’s skyscrapers. With Dael Tours, you can immerse yourself in the wilderness, witness majestic creatures in their natural habitat, and capture picture-perfect moments just minutes away from the bustling city. This SEO-friendly itinerary unveils the highlights of your Nairobi National Park safari, ensuring an unforgettable day filled with close encounters with Africa’s iconic wildlife.

Morning Departure and Arrival at Nairobi National Park

Your Nairobi National Park safari begins with an early morning departure from Nairobi CBD, where our expert guide will pick you up. Within a short drive, you’ll arrive at the park’s main entrance, leaving behind the city’s hustle and bustle to enter a serene world of wilderness. As you enter the park, keep your camera ready, as wildlife sightings often begin right at the park’s gate.

Game Drive: Exploring the Wildlife

The heart of your Nairobi National Park safari lies in the captivating game drive, where you’ll embark on a thrilling journey through the park’s vast landscapes. Our experienced guides know the best spots for wildlife encounters, and they’ll lead you to where the animals roam freely. Look out for the park’s resident lions, graceful giraffes, majestic buffaloes, and the endangered black rhinos, among others. Keep an eye on the skies, as diverse bird species add to the park’s avian wonders.

Ivory Burning Site and Nairobi Safari Walk

Discover the park’s historical significance as you visit the Ivory Burning Site, a memorial dedicated to Kenya’s commitment to wildlife conservation. Learn about the country’s efforts to combat poaching and protect its precious wildlife. Then, experience the Nairobi Safari Walk, a unique attraction within the park, where you can explore a collection of animal species, including the rare bongo antelope and strikingly beautiful African Crowned Cranes. Engage with informative exhibits that shed light on Kenya’s diverse ecosystems and conservation efforts.

Picnic Lunch amidst the Wildlife

Savor a delicious picnic lunch surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature. Our experienced team will prepare a sumptuous meal for you, allowing you to dine in the company of curious wildlife that might wander nearby. This serene moment presents a unique blend of African wilderness and urban proximity, creating an unforgettable dining experience.

Animal Orphanage Visit

Next on your Nairobi National Park adventure is a visit to the Nairobi Animal Orphanage, located within the park’s boundaries. Encounter rescued and rehabilitated animals, including lions, cheetahs, and various primates. Learn about the dedicated efforts to care for these animals and prepare them for their eventual return to the wild. The animal orphanage provides a heartwarming opportunity to witness conservation in action and deepen your understanding of Kenya’s wildlife conservation initiatives.

PersonsVan PriceLandcruiser Price
Age7 seater Van price per person7 Seater 4×4 Landcruiser price per person
Adults$ 160$220
Teens$ 145$210
Kids Above 5 Years$ 135$ 160
Tour price package for one person

What’s Included:

  • Transport to/from your Hotel
  • Meals
  • Soft drinks


  • Alcoholic Drinks
  • Anything not included